Spiritual love occurs when you regard the person you love as a soul rather than a body. A body is a natural extension of the soul. Without a soul a body cannot exist.
In today’s world, there is a lot of emphasis on physical beauty. Browse through supermarkets, see ads on TV or in newspapers and you’ll come across an ocean of cosmetics and products all aimed at making you look beautiful and smart so that you are able to find the person you love. If you are physically attractive, it will be easy for you to find ‘love’ but what happens once the initial novelty wears off and you realize that you are not really comfortable with what is ‘inside’ or the nature of the person? The mess in human relationships we witness today can be traced to the fact that somewhere along the path we forget the fact that love is not about the body but about the meeting of two souls or what we can say spiritual love. We are all familiar with the term soul mates. So true love is spiritual love that takes you beyond the body into a journey where you start out as two but at the end, both lose you identity to merge into one.
As already stated, the body is an extension of the soul. It is through the body that the soul expresses itself. To explain by a metaphor, body is the vehicle and the soul is the driver. So spiritual love is recognizing and responding to the driving force of a person.
Spiritual love is enduring and takes you in a journey within and the deeper you go, the more you will discover yourself. Spiritual love finds manifestation in your behaviour, attitude and responses. The deeper you experience this love, the more peaceful, blissful, compassionate, and forgiving you will become. Spiritual love is not a feeling but a state of being.